We are fundraising to secure the future of our wildlife
Last year was hard on many fronts but we continue to choose hope, health and resilience for a better future for our wildlife and people. Kenya is known for the Big Five ( Elephants, lions, buffalos, leopards and rhinoceros) and is home for many of the wildlife that are now endangered or nearing extinction. Now more than ever, we need your help to secure the wildlife, green spaces and support the resilience of those who live with wildlife and bear the biggest brunt of human-wildlife conflict. We are appealing to you to consider us in your giving as the opportunity for securing wildlife and the migratory corridors is narrowing. Despite their importance to the survival and sustenance of wildlife, not one of critical migratory corridors has been gazetted. Instead we have witnessed fencing and cultivation expanding in the areas identified as wildlife corridors. Thus wildlife movements are changing, human wildlife conflict is escalating, and wildlife numbers are plummeting. This campaign will help raise public awareness about the importance of these critical migratory paths, encourage public action and set the foundation for talks on the gazettement of wildlife corridors. We will secure land through partnerships with land owners. WildlifeDirect has already established partnerships with the Africa Conservancy Foundation and the Kenya Conservation Trust. Give a gift today and help change the future of wildlife for the better.